Nighttime Nostalgia

Nighttime Nostalgia dari Romell Barbes

Romell Barbes

A little over a year ago, I woke up out of my sleep almost to the point of concern thinking about the best way to raise two daughters under the age of four. I realized that the world would take every opportunity to teach them to conform unless I took the initiative to teach them otherwise. My intentions sat in a book next to my bed for over a year until I realized that I was living exactly what I was teaching against. So I designed this Podcast to be an example of how to climb out of our comfort zones and unlock the potential that we need to excel. I've rarely jumped at the opportunity to speak out, but I hope that I can reach people like me who want to encourage a mindset of success by doing our best to embody it. We'll share ideas, stories about growth, and work to achieve milestones!

Kategori: Pendidikan

Dengarkan episode terakhir:

Why does it seem like time is working against us?  
I consider time to be the purest form of currency yet, I spend it carelessly and invest in it poorly.  Just a reminder to address your idea of time management and change the way that you view time.  

Episode sebelumnya

  • 10 - It's About Time 
    Wed, 04 May 2022
  • 9 - Season 2 Introduction 
    Tue, 12 Apr 2022
  • 8 - Dress for the Weather - The Season of Frustration 
    Wed, 23 Sep 2020
  • 7 - Know your Role! 
    Thu, 13 Aug 2020
  • 6 - The Balancing Act 
    Wed, 08 Jul 2020
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